Ride: Central & Southern BC 10 Day 3,800 km Motorcycle Trip July 28 to Aug 06, 2022

Central & Southern BC 10 Day 3,800 km Motorcycle Trip July 28 to Aug 06, 2022

This was the 1st multi-day trip for the T7 since we began our journey together in Aug 2020 & shake down ride for my water proof soft luggage systems (Enduristan & Giant Loop w/quick detachable/locking backing plate); FunnelWebFilters pre & main foam air filters; Seat Concepts Sport Touring Seat; Double-Take Mirrors; Alpinestar Tech 7 Enduro W/P Boots; Motoz Tractionator GPS rear & Mitas E10 front tires; Galfer Semi-Metalic rear brake pads,16 tooth front sprocket...evaluations to follow elsewhere on this blog. The Mitas E10 Dakar rear tire strapped on top was making the return trip to Cory who had loaned it to me for evaluation. 

The bike performed flawlessly never leaving me wanting for more power despite the touring load & some elevated, sustained speeds over a variety of surfaces & conditions...the Rally Raid 35 mm Open Cartridge Fork Kit w/6.0 Nm springs & re-valved shock by SuspensionWerx w/RR 90 Nm spring combined with a 16 tooth front sprocket & the torquey, linear CP2 motor output create a synergy that  elevates the T7 riding experience & enjoyment factor. 😀

JULY 28: Depart via scenic Hwy #99 thru Whistler, Pemberton to D'Arcy to Seton Portage above Anderson Lake via Highline FSR, over Mission Mtn Pass to Carpenter Lake & Terzaghi Tunnel/Dam to Lillooet for lunch & stop to see friends Wendy & John at their Lavender Lane B & B, then up the Pavillion-Clinton FSR to Kelly Lake & north on Jesmond FSR to100 Mile House & on to friends Cory/Val Kilik in 108 Mile Ranch.

Anderson Lake via Highline FSR

Seton Portage

Carpenter Lake

Terzaghi tunnel/dam

SW view over Yalokum enroute to Lillooet

Lavender Lane B & B, Lillooet (home of friends Wendy & John) which contains a museum/tribute to her dad Jack Williams & his famous Syndicate Scuderia Alcohol dragster.

Pavillion FSR overlooking the Fraser River & west side bench lands

Old Gold Rush Stage Coach at Circle H Mountain Lodge/Ranch on Jesmond FSR 15 km north of Kelly Lake

JULY 29: Depart 108 Mile Ranch for Bella Coola

We were a little concerned about availability of gas, but Riske Creek, Redstone, Tatla Lake, Nimpo Lake & Anaheim Lake all had gas...just be aware of hours of operation & that some may not have premium.

While gassing up at Nimpo Lake, Dana & Alex, who operate the Vagabond RV Park stopped by for a chat to let us know they are a motorcycle friendly destination 😀

Cory & his 2011 KTM 990....2nd pic is a good humoured jab at a friend who's KTM dual sport motor recently went boom due to lack of oil on a ride with Cory (:

Hwy #20 Hanceville rest stop 84 km west of William lake

Chilcotin forest fire remnants

Coastal Mtns & Tweedsmuir Park viewed from Tatla Lake vacinity

Hwy #20 becomes gravel at Anaheim Lake for 57 km & includes the sometimes treacherous decent from "The Hill or The Precipice" at Heckman Pass summit in south Tweedsmuir Provincial Park at an elevation of 1,524 m (5,000 ft) where it descends 19 km (11.5 mi) of steep, narrow road with sharp hairpin turns and two major switchbacks to the Bella Coola Valley & the commencement of pavement. The descent includes a 9 km (5.6 mi) section with grades up to 18%. 

Until 1953 Hwy #20 ended at Anahim Lake, 137 km (85 mi) from Bella Coola. The Province considered the terrain too difficult and refused to extend it, leaving Bella Coola inaccessible by road. The road, known at the time as the "Freedom Road", was completed by local volunteers working from opposite ends with two bulldozers and supplies bought on credit. The two bulldozers met each other on the 26th of September 1953 and an official opening ceremony was held on the 18th of July 1955. Aerial photo from bellacoola.ca Freedom Road - History of The Hill 2003

Bella Coola River

Bailey Bridge Campsight on the Bella Coola River for 2 nights

Nusatsum Mtn with sunset glow riding back to campsight after the weekly Friday night dinner at the Royal Canadian Legion favoured by the locals...we thanked our hosts for serving us despite arriving a few minutes past the dinner deadline & raised a glass to Dad & other vets :)

JULY 30: Bella Coola River at Bailey Bridge Campsight

We stumbled upon Stener Creek while exploring some dirt tracks north of the Bailey Bridge

Glacier fed North Bentinck Arm west of Bella Coola - we attempted to ride the 25 km FSR up to Grey Jay lookout overlooking the South Bentinick Arm but the road was closed about 2 km in for bridge repair, so explored the end of Hwy #20 area west of Bella Coola that contains a logging boom operation at Clayton Falls Creek, The Pier (ferry dock) & Bella Coola wharf that was home to the BC Packers Old Cannery before a fire destroyed it in 2019 & the Bella Coola Estuary Conservancy.

Mount Saunders

Bella Coola Estuary Conservancy

Nusatsum Mountain aglow with evening sun - Last night in Bella Coola

JULY 31: Depart for Cory's at 108 Mile Ranch - Sheep Creek or Chilcotin Bridge (circa 1962) over Fraser River 25 km west of Williams Lake that replaced the original iconic & unique design bridge (circa 1904) utilizing lower cables & counter weights that developed a severe sag in the middle as it aged...the stone & cement pillars just south of the current bridge are all that remains after the structure was demolished via explosives & unceremoniously floated down stream never to be recovered.

AUG 01: Day ride to Likely Lodge for lunch via Cory's favourite FSR test route...he rides the T7 & I ride Val's 2013 Honda CB500X (nicknamed "500 Honey")...he was very impressed with the T7 Rally Raid 35 mm Open Cartridge fork kit w/6.0 Nm springs & re-valved rear shock w/RR 90 Nm spring set-up by SuspensionWerx & the T7 as a whole & I was impressed with how FSR friendly the "500 Honey" is with Cory's suspension set-up & tire selection that includes a rear tire on the front in a wider/taller size than oem 17" to approximate a 19" diameter. We saw sporadic/light thunder showers & lightening on the ride home. Then off to dinner in 100 Mile House to celebrate Val's B-Day tomorrow before my departure on the remainder of my trip.

AUG 02: Depart for Pat's at Duck Lake via Horse Lake Road eastbound from 100 Mile House to Hwy #24 to Little Fork (no pie stop at the High 5 Diner this trip), then east on a scenic, paved, Blue Bell flanked Agate Bay Road just south of Barrier which meanders through a valley to Adams Lake where the road becomes smooth groomed FSR south bound along the west shore of the lake connecting with Hwy #1 just north of Chase.

After a short jaunt west on Hwy #1 to Chase I turn south on the well worn Chase to Falkland country road which has the middle 1/3 hard packed dirt/gravel in stark contrast to the well groomed FSR flanking Adams Lake & on to Vernon & cos' Pat's on Duck Lake.

Sunset view over Duck Lake from cos' Pat's deck

AUG 03: Pat & I depart early via Vernon, east on Hwy #6 thru Lumby & Cherryville to the Fauqier Ferry across Upper Arrow Lake to Nakusp & New Denver, then east via the entertainingly twisty Hwy #31A to Kaslo for a lunch stop overlooking Kootenay Lake. Then southbound to Nelson, Salmo, Trail, Rossland to brother Dan & Vicki's at Christina Lake for 2 nights & B-Day celebrations on the 4th.

Sunrise over Duck Lake

Fauqier Ferry across Upper Arrow Lake

Kootenay Lake at Kaslo

We usually get a pic in front of the S.S. Moyie Sternheeler that worked on the lake from 1898 to 1957 & is now a historic site, but it was behind scaffolding for a refurbish (see pic below from our last ride together thru town in 2016). We had lunch at the Kaslo Hotel (circa1892) on the outdoor deck over looking the lake...they have additional parking out back behind the deck.

AUG 4th: Harmony  helping me celebrate my 64th B-Day at brother's home in Christina Lake

Christina Lake Visitor Centre

AUG 05: Pat & I depart for his place at Duck lake via a 24 km scenic paved loop north of Grand Forks on Granby Road that follows the east side of the Grandby River up a scenic valley & returns on the west side via N Fork Road to Grand Forks. If you were to continue north on N Fork Road it becomes gravel going through Edgewood on the Upper Arrow Lake enroute to the Fauqier Ferry.

We head north on Hwy #33 at Rock Creek toward Kelowna detouring up to Big White Ski Resort for lunch & a tour of Pat's condo, then to his lake side home on Duck lake at Turtle Lodges Resort.

AUG 06: Depart for home southbound to Summerland, then west on the 93 km Princeton - Summerland Road (Connector Hwy #3A from Kaleden to Keromeos was closed due to fire). This is a scenic narrow, windy road with some tight, steep switchbacks on the Summerland side as you climb over the mountains west of Summerland that becomes gravel for 60 km after about 8 km. It is dotted with a few small lakes in the middle portion then opens to more relaxed riding for the last 1/3 paved section to Princeton.

Stopped in Hope for lunch, checked out the future site of the Tuk Moto Cafe at 320 Fort Street scheduled to open next year, then enjoyed the more scenic & less hectic Hwy #7 (Lougheed Hwy) on the west side of the Fraser River home...stopping for a visit with cos' Gary up Burke Mtn (Coquitlam).

South morning view from Pat's deck over Duck Lake

View NE up the valley towards Kellicoe north of Jura (part of the Kettle Valley Trail) before descending into Princeton


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