Tenere 700: DirtRacks Crash Bars, Simple Strap Wrapped Crash Bars

DirtRacks Tenere 700 Crash Bars DirtRacks is a Canadian company located in Langley, BC (a Vancouver suburb) operated by brothers Robert & Fred, whose passion for Kawasaki KLRs led to their development of luggage racks, crash bars, etc for that bike that has expanded to other makes/models such as the Tenere 700. The Tenere 700 crash bars utilize 1" diameter powder coated steel tubing that install in just a few minutes, without any need to remove body panels, that bolted up with no issues...they come with longer engine mount bolts & the rear frame crash bar mount holes are elongated to facilitate easier fitment. They should fit all current non-World Raid Tenere 700 models. DirtRacks designs & products are simple, straight forward, hand made solutions that offer similar functionality as most mass production manufacturing without the sometimes hefty price tag...a case where good value also equates to a good functional product...reminiscent of Camel ADV...