Tenere 700: Seat Concepts Comfort Sport Touring Seat - Rider Seat Custom Foam Modification -

Seat Concepts Comfort Sport Touring Seat Ordered the standard height model in late Dec before the 2022 price increase Seat Concepts had announced...approx 10 week eta...arrived March 28, 2022. The cover is attached to the foam in the middle of the rear portion of the seat to aid proper positioning/alignment + comes with a plastic sheet for a water proof layer for the foam (recommended for wet climates). The sculpted shaped wider rear portion & the sharp incline of the front half made it more difficult to fit the cover properly, particularly for the complex shapes where it transitions from the front to the wider shaped portion & requires patience & stretching/molding the cover in more than 1 direction simultaneously...an extra hand can be helpful. It is desirable to work in a heated environment or warm the cover in the sun or with a hair dryer & start at one end, working your way side to side to the other & get a basic fit keeping the cove...