Ride Review: 2017 Honda Africa Twin STD & DCT

Honda Africa Twin STD & DCT (demo ride) Woo, hoo, got lucky with the weather today for the Honda Demo Ride Day at Holeshot…caveat to comments below…this was a slow speed controlled pavement ride with no hwy or speeds >70kph…worst demo ride to date! Apparently at a recent Demo Days some idiot wheelied a Honda 500 & crashed it…so we got the knee jerk Parade pace today. A more comprehensive test ride including dirt roads would definitely add valued perspective. STD: feels light, well balanced & carries it weight centralized, sits narrow between your legs & ass (a narrow seat, that never drew attention to itself on a 30 min ride, but…long distance comfort??) with a much narrower tank than the S10 or GS….the feel, the sound screams middleweight, more fleet of foot vs the 1200cc genre which feel like more substantial like tanks…almost flat footed at stops with seat in high position all controls very light, fluid & user friendly….feels oh, so familiar like you could c...