Ride Review: 2013 Triumph Trophy 1200 SE

2013 Triumph Trophy 1200 SE (test ride) Here’s my observations from today’s test ride at Western Motorsports in Langley. They just got this test bike recently (Triumph had delayed delivery of Trophies so this is their first demo bike but have sold several already). SE version $19,995 pretty much loaded except for heated seat, grips, top box - dealer installed options. First thing that comes to mind after sitting on the bike is the expanse & width of the faring/mirrors/fuel tank with cut outs for the legs…deja vue BMW R1200RT…ditto for the mirrors which provide an outstanding vibration free view behind, but differ from what you are used to in that the view is below your hands looking over the bags, seat & rack when holding the bars…each mirror actually provides a wide enough view to see the entire lane immediately behind & thus full car width of vehicle behind while providing the normal coverage of the adjacent lane…I was concerned that much of the view would be blocke...